

  • PA I GOW TILES Pai Gow is a game of Chinese dominoes. It originated in Ancient China and is played in most Asian Countries. Translated into English, Pai Gow means β€œto make nine.” It is played with 32 dominoes (also referred to as tiles) – 11 of which are identical pairs. OBJECT OF PA I GOW.
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Pai Gow tiles look very much like traditional dominoes, but the 32 tiles are arranged into various matching pairs, with different arrangements of the numbers (or pips) signifying different values. The pips on a Pai Gow tile can be either red or white, and these colorations do matter when applying an often complex scoring system.

Tien Gow is Cantonese, meaning 'Sky Nine' or 'Heaven Nine' - in Mandarin it is Tian Jiu. This is a trick taking game for four players using a single set of 32 Chinese dominoes divided into two suits, the name of the game being derived from the names of the highest pieces in each suit. Each player is dealt eight tiles; they can be played singly or in matching groups, the aim being to win the last trick.

The description on this page was put together by Joe Celko with help from Anthony Kam from Hong Kong. It is quite possible that different variants are played in other regions.

Players and Equipment

Tien Gow is a four player game using one set of Chinese dominoes. The set consists of all pairs of numbers from 1-1 to 6-6, with the following eleven tiles duplicated: 6-6, 6-5, 6-4, 6-1, 5-5, 5-1, 4-4, 3-3, 3-1, 2-2, 1-1.

The goal of the game is to win points by taking tricks, much like a Western card game. It is a gambling game, like most Chinese games. The players start with some money and money changes hand according to the scoring rules.

The Deal

One player is picked by dice to be the banker for the first hand. The banker puts a small puck or other marker on the table in front of him.

The banker stacks up a woodpile and deals each player a hand of eight tiles. The banker also leads to the first trick of the hand. After that, the winner of each trick leads the next trick. The winner of the last trick in one game becomes the next banker and leads the first trick of the next game.

The Play

In his turn, a player can lead:

How To Deal Pai Gow Tiles Minecraft

  1. one tile (singleton)
  2. a pair of tiles (bo or pair)
  3. a set of 3 tiles (triplet)
  4. a set of 4 tiles (quartet)

Each of the other players in turn then plays the same number of tiles, and this constitutes one trick. Any tiles can be played, but if a player's tile(s) do not beat the current high tile, pair, triplet or quartet, then they must be played face down as discards. This introduces a guessing element into the game, as you cannot count the tiles perfectly. If a player's tile(s) can beat the current high tile, pair, triplet or quartet, they may be played face up and then become the new current high tile, pair, triplet or quartet. After all four players have played, the player who played the high tile, pair, triplet or quartet, takes the trick.

Rank and Suit of the Tiles

Tiles in a set of Chinese dominoes are divided into two suits (Civil and Military). See below for the classification and ranking (top to bottom)

Civil Suit

There are two copies of each civilian tile, and the two identical tiles are considered equal ranked. Note that all of the doubles are civilian. The civil suit is ranked from highest to lowest by this table.

    Tiletile name
    [5-5]Plum Flower
    [3-3]Double Three
    [6-1]Long leg Seven
    [5-1]Big Head Six

Military Suit

There is only one tile of each, but they make pairs based on the the total number of pips. In order by single tiles they are:

    [6-3], [5-4]Gow - Nines (the two tiles are ranked equally)
    [6-2], [5-3]Bart - Eights (the two tiles are ranked equally)
    [5-2], [4-3]Chut - Sevens (the two tiles are ranked equally)
    [4-2]Lok - Six, or Big Six
    [4-1], [3-2]Ng - Fives (the two tiles are ranked equally)
    [2-1]Sam - Three, or Little Three

There is also a special pair called the Gee Joon, made up of the [2-1] and [4-2] tiles.

Single Tile Tricks

A tile beats another tile if

  1. They are of the same suit, Civil or Military, and
  2. The first tile is higher in that suit's (Civil or Military) ranking.

In the case of a tie, the tile played earliest wins.

Thus if your tile is equal to or lower than the current high tile in a trick, it must be discarded face down. Similarly, if your tile is of a different suit than the tile led, it must be discarded face down.

Two Tile Tricks

Pairs are ranked as shown in the following table, following the same scheme as Pai Gow and other games. Pairs are considered suited -- a pair can be double-Civil, double-Military, or mixed (a Civil and a Military tile).

As with single tile tricks, a pair beats another pair:

  1. If they are of the same suit combination (both Civil, both Military or mixed), and
  2. The tiles in the first pair beat those in the second.

For example, a Civil pair of Heavens, ([6-6] and [6-6]) beats a pair of Earth ([1-1] and [1-1]), but not a Military pair of sevens ([5-2] and [4-3]), nor a mixed pair of Goose-five if that is what was lead. A mixed pair of Man-seven ([4-4] and [5-2]) beats Goose-five, but neither is beaten by) the Civil Plum-pair ([5-5] and [5-5]).

When discarding, you do not have to follow suit and indeed you do not have to discard another pair -- you can discard any two tiles you like.

Double CivilDouble MilitaryMixed
4-2 & 2-1Supreme

6-6 & 6-6Heaven6-3 & 5-4 Jaap Gow - mixed nines6-6 & 6-36-6 & 5-4
1-1 & 1-1Earth6-2 & 5-3 Jaap Bart - mixed eights1-1 & 5-31-1 & 6-2
4-4 & 4-4 Man5-2 & 4-3 Jaap Chut - mixed sevens4-4 & 4-34-4 & 5-2
3-1 & 3-1 Goose4-1 & 3-2 Jaap Ng - mixed fives3-1 & 4-13-1 & 3-2
5-5 & 5-5 Flower

3-3 & 3-3 Long
2-2 & 2-2 Board
6-5 & 6-5 Hatchet
6-4 & 6-4 Partition
6-1 & 6-1 Long Leg Seven
5-1 & 5-1 Big Head Six

Special Pair

There is a special pair, the Gee Joon or 'Supreme' ([4-2] and [2-1]). This pair is not considered double-Military, even though both of its tiles belong to that suit. Nothing beats it, and it can beat nothing. Thus, if led, it will always win since nothing beats it, but if played against another other pair led, it must always be discarded since it beats nothing.

How To Play Pai Gow Tiles

Triplet and Quartet Sets

Besides leading a single tile or a pair, a set of three or four can be led. A set is a combination of Military and Civil tiles made up of:

  1. Heavens and Nines
  2. Earths and Eights
  3. Man and Sevens
  4. Goose and Fives

For example, two Heavens and a Nine constitute a set of three, while two pairs of Earths and two Eights constitute a set of four. No other two pair combinations aside from sets of four, as defined above, can be led.

The rules for when a triplet or quartet beats another triplet or quartet is the same as those for pairs; a triplet or quartet beats triplet or quartet if:

  1. The tiles have the same suits, and
  2. Each tile in the first triplet or quartet beats its corresponding tile in the second triplet or quartet.

Since any quartet consists of two civilians and two Militaries, suit matching is not an issue.

For example, a triplet set of two Heavens and a Nine ([6-6], [6-6] and [6-3] or [5-4]) can beat a set of two Earths and an Eight ([1-1], [1-1] and [6-2] or [5-3]), but not a set of two Eights and an Earth because of mismatched suits. Indeed, pairs can be considered as sets of two tiles, except for the supreme pair, which is in a class by itself.

Again, in any discard situation, you never have to follow suit and can discard anything you like.


As in many Chinese games, scoring is best done with chips. The winner of the last trick of a hand is the new banker and considered winner of this hand, although the only real objective is to make money. All other players pay the banker or are paid by the banker.

As the hand is played, tricks are collected and stacked in columns of four tiles high. Thus winning a triplet would generate twelve tiles which the winner of the trick stacks as three columns in a private woodpile in front of him. Every non-winner now counts the number of columns in front of him and compares it to a par value of four. If he's below par, he pays the winner of the hand the difference. If he's above par, the winner pays him the difference. Thus if you only win a triplet trick and it is not the last trick of the hand, then you are a loser with three columns, and you would pay the banker 4 - 3 = 1 point, which is worth a $1 at the end of the game in our examples.

As a special case any non-winner with no columns (no tricks) pays five points instead of four points.

'Banker Double' Rule

The banker's payments to or from the other players are doubled.

For example, if the current banker wins only one column, he pays 3 x 2 = 6 points to the winner (new banker).

A local variation in Hong Kong is that when the banker wins, the payments are also multiplied by his number of consecutive wins. So if the new banker wins a second time, he is paid 4 points per trick below par by the other players (tricks x banker double x double for second win). If he then goes on to win a third time, he would triple all transactions (6 points per trick), and on his fourth win they would be quadrupled, and so forth. The banker can stack the appropriate number of chips on top of the puck to indicate how many consecutive wins he has.

Payments for Tricks

These payments are made during the hand. They are in addition to the usual end of hand payments we just discussed. Notice that the 'banker double' rule also applies here.

Any trick won by playing the Gee Joon ('supreme pair') immediately collects two points from each other player as soon as the pair is played. Remember that the Gee Joon must be led to win, since the supreme pair beats nothing. Because of the 'banker double' rule, the Gee Joon would collect four points from the current banker, and if the Gee Joon was played by the current banker, it would collect four points from all others.

A player who wins a quartet trick immediately collects four points from each other player. Again, 'banker double' rule applies so he would either collect or pay out a multiple of four points.

How To Deal Pai Gow Tiles That Look

Special Rules

The 'Early Death' Rule

The 'early death' rule changes the game play and is very important in terms of strategy. All other rules affect payment only and in that sense would influence players who might want to take greater or lesser risks, but do not directly influence game play.

If seven tiles have been played by each player so that the last trick is a singleton tile trick, then any players who have not won any trick during the first seven tiles immediately forfeit the last trick also. Those players' final tiles are immediately discarded face down regardless of what they are, and those unfortunate players, having no tricks, will pay five points to whoever wins.

Last Trick Bonuses

The end of hand payments (but not pay-per-trick payments) are doubled for everyone if the last trick is won by:

  1. Any quartet
  2. The Gee Joon ('supreme pair')
  3. The singleton Little Three (the smallest Military tile)

Note that in cases (a) and (b) there are (undoubled) pay-per-trick payments in addition to doubled end of hand payments.

This rule is in addition to the 'banker double' rule, so the banker would have all end of hand payments quadrupled.

Complete Game Bonus

If any player wins all eight tiles (this could be because of a clever use of the 'early death' rule or by real brute force!), the end of hand payments are also doubled. If his last trick happens to be a bonus trick as listed above, both doublings apply and the end of hand payments are thus quadrupled (or eight times if the banker wins!)

There is an exception, which is not recognised in all gaming groups, but it affects strategy. The exception is that the banker does not get the 'complete game bonus' if in the first trick he led a tile or combination that is 'unbeatable seen from his own eyes'.

This is not quite as simple as it sounds.

Pai Gow Tiles Names

  1. A singleton Heaven [6:6]
  2. A Heaven-nine pair [6:6][5:4]
  3. The Gee Joon [1:2][2:4]

are all unbeatable when they are lead.

A pair [1:1][1:1] is also unbeatable if the player also holds a [6:6], of a single [1:1] if the player holds both [6:6]'s are also unbeatable. However if a player has no [6:6] then the pair [1:1][1:1] is not 'unbeatable in his own eyes' even if in fact no one can beat it, because there was the risk that one of the other players might have held both [6:6]'s.

'Big Six Captures Little Three' Bonus

This rule adds even more risk to saving the Little Three for your last trick in the hope of getting the special last trick double game bonus.

If the last trick is a single tile trick, and is led with the Little Three ([1:2] the smallest Military tile, also the smaller half of the supreme pair), and it is eventually won by a second player (who will become the new banker) with the Big Six ([2:4] the bigger half of the supreme pair), then you calculate all end of hand payments as usual (no doubling except for banker) but any payment that the other two players not involved with the Little Three and Big Six have to make to the player of the Big Six are made by the player of the Little Three instead. Thus the player of the Little Three would incur a heavy loss benefiting the other two players, while the player of the Big Six would not gain anything extra.

One Red Dot Group

The following rules is not used in all gaming groups. If a player is dealt a hand with exactly one red dot (all other pips are white), then he immediately wins by declaring this hand. His winnings are calculated as if he had won all the tricks. This gives him a complete game bonus, but no special last trick bonus since no tricks are played. Note that it is not possible for more than one player to have just one red dot. There are only 13 tiles without red pips, so only one player can have as many as seven of these.


The winner of the last trick almost always wins the most money and so the objective of most hands is to win the last trick. Because of the early death rule, in order to achieve this it is also necessary to win at least one of the first seven tricks.

Because of the 'banker double' rule, some bankers may want to play it safe and cash all his sure-win tricks when he has the first lead. That greatly reduces his chance of winning but limits his loss.

Notice that if the final trick is not a singleton tile, the 'early death' rule cannot apply. This means that all players are in contention for the last trick and are eligible to win. Sometimes friendships of convenience might appear as two or three players gang up to create early-deaths.

Do not think early-deaths are rare! With good players, Mr. Kam estimates that every third game will have one or more 'early death' hands.

If you still have trouble remembering the suits and rankings, you can play an equivalent game with Western playing cards -- use all black cards (as the Civil Suit) except Jacks and Deuces, and these red cards (as the Military Suit): two Aces, two Kings, two Queens, two Tens and one each of Jack and Deuce. Then the ranking would be natural (Ace high, King, Queen, Jack and so forth with the Deuce low) in each color and all pairing and combining-into-set rules are preserved if you just play pairs/sets of the same index and suit-matching becomes color-matching.

The red Jack is the [4-2] and the red Deuce is the [2-1] and together they form the supreme pair.

There is a Chinese webpage from Hunan, China which describes the rules of Goo Pai. The game is played with the same tiles and looks something like Tien Gow, but the rules for Goo Pai are very different. The rankings are similar to PaiGow and the play goes around the table as in a trick taking game.

However a double 6-6 can beat a Gee Joon combo in this game. But in Tien Gow, the double 6-6 cannot win because of mismatched suits. Goo Pai disregards the suit, so when a single tile is played, it ranks against other single tiles in one ranking order. If a pair is played, it ranks against other pairs in another ranking order, regardless of the suit. The rules do not even mention triplet and quaduplet combo play. The scoring is also very simplistic, just pay by the number of stacks won.

Other Pages

Here are links to:

  • earlier version of this page, compiled by Joe Celko, at Game Cabinet.
  • CP Lai's page on Heaven Nine, with notes on Chinese terminology and tactics, help in recognising the tile combinations, and further useful links.

Here is a DOS program with which you can play Tien Gow against the computer. It is rather old and will only work under Windows if run full screen.