japan » japanese culture » japanese traditions » luck in japan » lucky in japanese
  1. Lucky Charms Snacks
  2. Lucky Charms Unicorn
  3. Lucky Charms Year Originated
  4. Lucky Charms Marshmallows

Chinese words for lucky include 幸运, 吉祥, 吉利, 侥幸, 幸, 吉, 瑞, 祥, 祯 and 祺. Find more Chinese words at wordhippo.com! Unlucky Charms is about a reality TV show for models. They are all trying to get the top prize, but one of the judges has got a magic charm bracelet that lets out these creatures who kill off the contestants so that she can have their souls and stay looking young. Sounds rubbish right? It was worst than that. As a Water Sign, Scorpios can benefit from getting in-tune with the Moon.As Crab's watery fellow, you can receive important messages from its ruler if you learn how to listen to them. Scorpio is already one of the most intuitive signs, so it should be relatively easy to open your psychic channels and turn your luck around If you wish professional success, wear moon or star-shaped silver jewels. A few ways to say 'lucky' in the Japanese language. Japanese culture is traditionally filled with superstitions regarding luck.Historically, this was taken seriously as it was believed that bad crops, disease and disasters could be prevented with lucky charms or by avoiding unlucky things and places. We keep a cross-cultural form of the Illas charm on our sex-altar; it is a Japanese netsuke carved from a tagua-nut depicting two little mice curled up together. It serves to remind us of the oxytocin-fueled pair-bonding enjoyed by sexually excited Prairie Voles.

posted by John Spacey, April 06, 2015

Japanese culture is traditionally filled with superstitions regarding luck. Historically, this was taken seriously as it was believed that bad crops, disease and disasters could be prevented with lucky charms or by avoiding unlucky things and places. The following are several ways to say 'lucky' in Japanese.

1. Fuku, ふく, 福

Fuku is a noun for luck. Its kanji is used in dozens of words that describe happiness or lucky things. For example, a Fukubukuro is a 'lucky bag' traditionally sold at New Years in Japan containing mystery items.

2. Engimono, えんぎもの, 縁起物

Engimono means 'lucky charm.' It's a generic term to describe anything that's considered lucky such as a Daruma Doll.

3. Ungaii, うんがいい, 運がいい

Ungaii is an adjective to describe something or someone who is lucky.

4. Tsuiteru, ついてる, 付いてる

Tsuiteru is a verb that's used to describe the state of being lucky. The negative form of the verb, tsuitenai means unlucky.(A woman ties an unlucky omikuji at a shrine)

5. Rakkii, ラッキー

The English word Lucky is expressed in Japanese as ラッキー. This is used once in a while in Japan. As a result, if you say 'lucky' in English many people will understand this word in Japan.

6. Yatta, やった

Yatta means 'horray!' It's commonly used to express a sudden sense of happiness. For example if you win the lottery you might say yatta! One of its possible translations is lucky!
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vulva amulet for them to use-- although a circular disk amulet called a chaping is worn byyoung girls to protect their genitals from evil forces.

The palad khik amulet is said to have originatedin the Siva linga of India and to have been imported to Thailandby Cambodian monks in the 8th century AD. Early styles of palad khik bearinscribed invocations, entreaties, and praises to Siva; later onescombine these with interlineated invocations and praises to Buddha;modern ones bear uniformly Buddhist inscriptions,invariably written in an old form of script that cannot be readby contemporary Thais.

Palad khik amulets carved from wood, bone, or horn are made bymonks who specialize in their manufacture, and the efficacy of a givenamulet is dependant on the charisma and reputation of itscreator. The lettering of the inscriptions is a matter of seriousritual and can take several days to complete. Cast metal palad khiksdo not always bear inscriptions, but they may carry the additional symbolism embodied in an animal holding the penis.

Although palad khik amulets are not designed specifically to use in love spells, among American eclectic pagans, witches, and magicians, they are often employed that way at the present time.

This penis amulet is 1 1/2' long and cast in bronze. (It isalso available in sterling silver.) It is the primordial'penis animal,' sculpted in the form of an erect penis withthe crouching rear quarters of a lion, its tail arched overits back to form a loop for hanging. It is decorated withBuddhist motifs and ancient Thai lettering.

The crouching animal design of this 'lion-haunched' penis-animal is reminiscent of penis amulets of the late Romanera, but there is a distinctly Asian character to theornamentation and lettering.

This penis amulet is 1 1/2 inches long and cast in sterling silver.(It is also available in bronze.) This amulet depicts Hanuman, the Monkey Godof the Hindus, crouched upon an erect penis, his tail arched overhis back to form a hanging loop. When you turn the amulet over,you can see that Hanuman has his own small erect penis on theunderside of the charm.

This is one of the CUTEST amulets ihave ever seen in my entire life. I was so taken with it that i wasmoved to KISS IT THREE TIMES -- right before the eyes of the ratheramused old gay man who sold it to me. This amulet is cute the way girlssay the word cute: it is Kee-yooooooooot. It is, in fact, adorable.

This penis amulet is 2' long and cast in brass. It is in the form of a tigertreading the shaft of a penis. Like the monkey on the Hanuman charm, thetiger is equipped with his own small penis and testicles on theunderside of the amulet. Strangely, the tiger's penis is human,not feline, and it proportionately quite large.

This penis amulet is 3/4' long and cast in pewter. The penis, which bears no inscriptions, emergesfrom coiled snail shell, creating a subtle visual pun on theappearance of a snail. A friend who saw this amulet asked,'What's it for? To prevent premature ejaculation?' Frankly, ihave no idea.

This penis amulet is 2' long and cast in bronze. It depicts acrocodile surmounting a large, uninscribed penis, the downturned tail of the animalforming a hanging loop. Unlike the monkey and tigeramulets, the crocodile has no testicles or penis of its own.

Another handsome Thai penis amulet is this one, hand-carved ofblack buffalo horn. It is 2 1/4' long and is lightly inscribedwith Thai script. Inside each one there is a mystery inclusion, abead or seed that rattles when the amulet is shaken.

This penis amulet is 2 3/4 inches long. It is hand-carved fromjackfruit wood and inscribed with Buddhist invocations. On thepenis a naked woman is bent backward in the yoga position called'the bridge.' This style of palad khik is the only one carriedby women, who place it in their purses as a form of magical protection to deter purse-snatchersand ward off assaults by men.

This penis amulet, although usually is made of brass, is shown here cast in white plastic resin. It is 1 3/4 inches long and issimilar to the lion-haunched and inscribed style #1 amulet except that the attitude of the penis is'perkier' and the testicles are so large that they hang downwell below the haunches. The addition of an eye on each side of the glans and aflaring corona evocative of ears gives this palad khik the look of a cute child's toy, a little bunny-penis, as it were.

This penis amulet is 2 1/4 inches long and it features a strangely attractive smiling lizardhalf-asleep on the penis. Surprisingly, the lizard has twosymmetrically arrayed tails. My Thai infomant tells me that this isa visual reference to another Thai lucky symbol, the 'matinglizards' of fertility and prosperity. For a different lizard on a penis, see amulet #18.

This penis amulet is 1 1/2 inches long, a bit smaller than the other metal ones, andthe crouching black panther it bears is similar in concept to thetiger in style #3, but this one was sculpted by a betterartist and is very naturalistic in detail; the penisis obviously uncircumcised.

This penis amulet is 1 3/4 inches long and cast in bright brass.It consists of a lion-haunched 'penis animal' mounting a largerpenis. The penis animal's own tiny penis and testicles arerevealed on the underside of the amulet, making this one a'triple penis' charm. It has raised inscriptions in ancient Thailettering.

This penis amulet is 1 1/2 inches long. Cast in bright brass. It isunlike the others shown on this page because it is not a hanging amuletbut a pocket piece that stands upright on its base, possibly copied from an old-fashioned goldweight. On the front anaked woman with wild hair is bent backward in the 'bridge' yogaasana. From below, a large penis enters her yoni. The back side of the statuettedepicts a curling vine terminating in a leaf, which apparently represents the flow of kundalini energy up the spine. Along the sidesthere are raised religious inscriptions and smaller curling vines. Like penis amulet #7, this one too is carried by women for magical protection, as well as by men who seek refuge in Shakti, the female spiritual principle, or who worship Devi, the goddess.

This little penis amulet can stand upon its base as a tinyaltar-piece, or hang as a pendent from a loop on the back.Cast in bronze, it depicts the Thai goddess Nang Kwak and isa diminutive but highly detailed 1 ' tall. Nang Kwak wearsthe glans of a human penis as a hat and kneels with a bag ofmoney in her lap, which she grips tightly in her left hand.Her right hand is raised in a gesture familiar to manypeople -- the customer-drawing gesture made by the Japanesegood luck charm called the Beckoning Cat -- and herresemblance to the BeckoningCat is enhanced by the cat tail that runs up herback and forms the piece's hanging loop. Nang Kwak is used,as one might expect, to attract wealth to a place of business.

This penis amulet is 2' long and cast in brass. Like amulet#7, it depicts a naked yogini in the asana called 'the bridge,'laying atop a lion-haunched 'penis-animal.' As with all ofthe penises which depict naked yoginis, it is suitable formen who wish to express devotion to Sakti and can also becarried by women to protect themselves from muggers andrapists.

This penis amulet is a tiny baby penis cast in brass, only 1' long. As indicatedby its small size and non-erect position, it is a charm thatparents place on male infants and young boys. It is said toprotect their genitals from harmful spells or the jealous gaze ofchildless women.

Here's a penis amulet that is a mere 3/4' long, cast in nickel-plated brass. Like all 'baby penises,' it is meant to be worn by infantboys, but in this case, the duplicated penis portendsdouble-strength magical protection for male children as well as good fortune and monetaryluck.

This penis amulet is a double-tailed lizard, derived from thesame Thai legend of the mating lizards that produced penisamulet #9. Cast in bronze, it is 2' long, and the lizardthat sits astride a lion-haunched 'penis-animal' is of askinnier species than #9, its body very attenuated, withdelicate, pad-like fingertips. This amulet is worn to bring aboutfertility and prosperity.

Here is a set of 12 very small penis amulets, one for each of thePowerful Animals of the traditional Chinese Zodiac. Each tinytalisman is 1/2 inch in length and has a little hole for hanging,under the animal's chin. These charms are small enough to be worn as earrings, or very inconspicuously carried in the purse or hung in own's place of business.

The complete set of lucky charms for every year of the Chinese Zodiac is cast in brasswith a silvery finish, and the detail on the amulets is amazing -- but notreally scannable at this size. From left to right and top tobottom, the Chinese Zodiac animals depicted are the Ox, the Dog,the Rooster, the Boar, the Dragon, the Rat, the Horse, the Tiger,the Goat, the Snake, the Monkey and the Hare.

These penis charms are worn for money luck, gambling luck, business success, and general prosperity. Customarily one carries on the person or hangs in a place of business the animal whose year it is. This continues for one full lunar year, after which the talisman is changed for the next animal. After 12 years, he cycle repeats itself. However, there is nothing to stop a more flamboyant person from creating a necklace or even a charm bracelet with all 12 Chinese Zodiac animals.

My own personal collection of penis amulets, each cast in a different colour, makes a lovely aestheticcomplement to my copper Indescribable LuckyCharm and i happily keep them all together with my bronze foliated Roman penis amulet in a rustyiron wall-altar to reinforce the metallic theme. Perhaps a gold yoni amulet is in my future?

Order Thai Penis Amulets from the Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Occult Shop

Lucky Charms Snacks

For other lucky charms in the form of genitalia or copulating couples, see:

sexual amulets
indescribable lucky charm, American
Kama Sutra amulets, Nepal
munachi charms, Quechua
penis amulets, Thai
penis amulets, Roman
phallic charmstone, California Indian
raccoon penis bones
Sheela-Na-Gig pewter pendant, modern
vulva amulets, modern

If sex magick interests you, you mayenjoy visiting the portion of my web site devoted to Sacred Sex, Karezza, and Tantra Yoga.

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Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms
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Yronwode Home: personal pages of catherine yronwode and nagasiva yronwode, magical archivists
Yronwode Institution: the Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology

Lucky Charms Marshmallows