  1. Instagram recaptcha not showing 2019 error not working solution fix not correct حل مشكل روكابتشا في انستقرامLINK: http://gsul.me/fywm.
  2. Instagram issue 'the captcha solution was not correct. Please try again' Thread starter mnunes532; Start date Sep 16. Your account was unlocked on PC or mobile phone? Oct 18, 2017 #16 simontyree. Login and write captcha. Verify your email. I think the main problem is that you haven't verified your.
  3. Recaptcha requires verification. The initial state, reCAPTCHA verification is required to proceed on this website. Click the checkbox to get a verification challenge. Opening verification.
Same here! This needs fixing asap on INstagram. Some people do this as a business. We can't be locked out. I'm actually unable to access instagram AT ALL on my phone, even after deleting and reinstalling. I've tried logging in using countless systems/browsers/IP addresses, everything. FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY!!!!

Get Recaptcha Site Key

Opencart Google reCaptcha module by Knowband incorporates a security tool on your website that performs human verification to ensure whether the visitor is bot or not. Buster is a Chrome extension which authenticates reCAPTCHA for you. The extension is really simple and effective, you go to a website and click the reCAPTCHA button. IT would load a popup window and give you images to select. Buster adds a button to that popup which you.

On Wednesday, 4 October 2017 11:55:04 UTC-4, lauren trezise wrote:

Failed Recaptcha Check

I'm having the same issue! I've tried logging in on my phone, computer, using the text and the audio and it's not working. Let me know if you have any breakthroughs!
On Monday, September 18, 2017 at 7:04:07 PM UTC-6, Alias Apparel wrote:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 'reCAPTCHA' group.
Google is committed to advancing racial equity for Black communities. See how.

Important: Version 1.0 of the reCAPTCHA API is no longer supported, please upgrade to Version 2.0. Learn more

The reCAPTCHA PHP Library provides a simple way to place a CAPTCHA onyour PHP website, helping you stop bots from abusing it. The library wraps thereCAPTCHA API.

To use reCAPTCHA with PHP, you can download reCAPTCHA PHPlibrary. You will only need one file from there (recaptchalib.php). The other files areexamples, readme and legal stuff -- they don't affect functionality.

Quick Start

After you've signed up for your API keys, below are basic instructions for installing reCAPTCHA on your site. A fullreference guide to the PHP plugin can be found below.

Recaptcha is not verifying

Client Side (How to make the CAPTCHA image show up)

If you want to use the PHP library to display the reCAPTCHA widget, you'll need to insertthis snippet of code inside the <form> element where the reCAPTCHA widget will beplaced:

With the code, your form might look something like this:

Don't forget to set $publickey by replacing your_public_key withyour API public key.

Note that the value of the 'action' attribute is 'verify.php'. Now, verify.php is thedestination file in which the values of this form are submitted to. So you will need a fileverify.php in the same location as the client html.

The require_once function in the example above expects recaptchalib.php to be in the samedirectory as your form file. If it is in another directory, you must link it appropriately.For example if your recaptchalib.php is in the directory called 'captcha' that is on the samelevel as your form file, the function will look like this:require_once('captcha/recaptchalib.php').

Server Side (How to test if the user entered the right answer)

The following code should be placed at the top of the verify.php file:

In the code above:

  • recaptcha_check_answer returns an object that represents whether the usersuccessfully completed the challenge.
  • If $resp->is_valid is true then the captcha challenge was correctly completed and you should continue with form processing.
  • If $resp->is_valid is false then the user failed to provide the correct captchatext and you should redisplay the form to allow them another attempt. In this case$resp->error will be an error code that can be provided to recaptcha_get_html.Passing the error code makes the reCAPTCHA control display a message explaining that the userentered the text incorrectly and should try again.
  • Verify Recaptcha Response

    Notice that this code is asking for the private key, which should not be confusedwith the public key. You get that from the same page as the public key.

    Also make sure your form is set to get the form variables using $_POST, instead of$_REQUEST, and that the form itself is using the POST method.

    That's it! reCAPTCHA should now be working on your site.

    Further Reading

    PHP Plugin Reference Guide

    Below is a comprehensive list of all the methods of the reCAPTCHA PHP Plugin.

    The recaptcha_get_html function

    The recaptcha_get_html function displays the HTML that presents reCAPTCHA totheuser.

    Recaptcha Is Not Verifying

    $pubkey -- string. required. Your reCAPTCHA public key, from the API Signup Page
    $error -- string. optional (null is the default) If this string is set, the reCAPTCHA area will display the error code given. This error code comes from ReCaptchaResponse->$error
    $use_ssl -- boolean. optional (false is default) Should the SSL-based API be used? If you are displaying a page to the user over SSL, be sure to set this to true so an error dialog doesn't come up in the user's browser.
    Return value A string containing HTML to put on the web page.

    The recaptcha_check_answer function

    After the user has filled out the HTML form, including their answer for the CAPTCHA, wewant to check their answer when they submit the form using therecaptcha_check_answer function. The user's answer will be in two form fields,recaptcha_challenge_field and recaptcha_response_field. ThereCAPTCHA library will make an HTTP request to the reCAPTCHA server and verify the user'sanswer.

    $privkey -- string. required. Your reCAPTCHA private key, from the API Signup Page.
    $remoteip -- string. required. The user's IP address, in the format
    $challenge -- string. required.
    The value of the form field recaptcha_challenge_field
    $response -- string. required The value of the form field recaptcha_response_field
    Return value An instance of the ReCaptchaResponse class
    Steam account recaptcha not working
    $is_valid -- boolean Did reCAPTCHA believe the answer was valid?
    $error -- string If the answer was invalid what was the problem? This error code can be used in recaptcha_get_html
    Return value The HTML or raw url to decode the email address, depending on which you function youcalled.


    Google Recaptcha Verification Failed

    The reCAPTCHA PHP Library includes bindings for the Mailhide API. ThisAPI allows you to wrap an email in a reCAPTCHA to prevent spammers from seeing it:exam...@example.com.

    Google Recaptcha Verify

    The Mailhide portion of the PHP Library requires the PHP mcrypt module.

    The Mailhide API consists of two functions recaptcha_mailhide_html andrecaptcha_mailhide_url. The functions have the same parameters. The _html versionreturns HTMLthat can be directly put on your web page. The username portion of the email that is passed inis truncated and replaced with a link that calls Mailhide. The _url version gives you the urlto decode the email and leaves it up to you to place the email in HTML.

    recaptcha_mailhide_url / recaptcha_mailhide_html
    $pubkey -- string The Mailhide public key from the signup page
    $privkey -- string The Mailhide private key from the signup page
    $email -- string The email address you want to hide.

    The following example shows how to use Mailhide: